Jenkins and Github Integration using PollSCM, Job Chaining and Remote Triggers, git hooks.

May 6, 2020


Integrating Jenkins with local git hooks and deploying the source code on docker containers using PollSCM triggers.

Three jobs are needed for simulating this project.

  1. Job 1

For deploying testing environment on the top of docker using git hooks(post-commit) when any commits are done from the featured branch( other than master(main branch)) and the job is scheduled using PollSCM.

git hooks => post-commit script vi .git/hooks/post-commit

#!/bin/bash echo “First and then Post Commit Tasks are started”
git fetch
git push
echo git push is done to the current Remote Branch”
#echo “remote Build Trigger using jenkins URL”
#curl — user “username:password” <


— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

2. Job 2

For deploying Production environment only when there is some change in master branch and scheduled using PollSCM.


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3. Job 3

For merging the featured branch to the master(main) branch and triggered remotely using http:///job/job3/build?token=TOKEN with credentials of Jenkins users only and also scheduled using PollSCM.


This how we can use Jenkins Tool in a great way to automate our tasks.

P.S.- Docker image used in this environment is Apache HTTPD Docker image with tag httpd:latest. It can be pulled from
#docker pull httpd:latest

Github repo url:-




I am pursuing masters in computer science from BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus, and passionate about Linux administration and security, Cloud Computing, and CNCF.