Integration of Prometheus & Grafana on K8s deployed using Dynamic Jenkins cloud nodes.
A pre-installed K8s cluster(e.g. minikube). In minikube by default, there is no
internal NFS dynamic provisioner is available for the storage class so it can claim a PVC or PV dynamically. so we are creating a NFS-client dynamic provisioner in the K8s cluster using a service account, cluster roles, etc., which basically uses RBAC (role-based access controls) Authorization.
follow this repo for creating NFS-client dynamic provisioner in the K8s cluster using a service account, cluster roles, etc.
Also, install Github, Build Pipeline Plugin in Jenkins.
For creating cloud nodes using Docker(install Docker plugin in Jenkins)
then create a DOCKER_HOST (install docker, start and enable its services).
For creating private docker registry, follow my article
And for creating Integration of K8s, GitHub, and Jenkins Dynamic worker nodes, follow my article
Tasks to be created:-
1. Deploy Prometheus and Grafana as pods on top of K8s by creating resources Deployment, ReplicaSet, Pods, and Services ,etc. using Jenkins Jobs running on Jenkins Dynamic Worker Nodes.
2. And make their data to be remain persistent using config maps, persistent volume claims and persistent volumes.
3. And both of them should be exposed to outside world using Services.
Create two Jenkins Job to complete this task as follows:-
Pull the Github repo automatically when some developers push repo to Github(using local hooks and web-hooks) and perform the following operations as:
1. Pull Github repository containing K8s manifest files and copy them into a centralized NFS server (
2. Trigger the Job2.
Job2 will be trigger by Job1 on it’s successful build.
1. Deploy Prometheus and Grafana as pods on top of K8s by creating resources Deployment, ReplicaSet, Pods, and Services ,etc. using Jenkins Jobs running on Jenkins Dynamic Worker Nodes.
2. And make their data to be remain persistent using config maps, persistent volume claims and persistent volumes.
3. And both of them should be exposed to outside world using Services.
echo "prometheus tasks are started"
if kubectl get cm prometheus-config-file-volume
echo "config map already created and applying the latest changes"
kubectl create configmap prometheus-config-file-volume --from-file=/storage/prometheus.yml -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f -
kubectl create configmap prometheus-config-file-volume --from-file=/storage/prometheus.yml
echo "config map created for premetheus config file"
fiif kubectl get svc prometheus-svc
echo "prometheus service is already created and applying latest changes"
kubectl apply -f /storage/prometheus-svc.yml
kubectl apply -f /storage/prometheus-svc.yml
echo "creating prometheus service"
fiif kubectl get pvc prometheus-storage-pvc
echo "prometheus pvc is already created and applying latest changes"
kubectl apply -f /storage/prometheus-pvc.yml
kubectl apply -f /storage/prometheus-pvc.yml
echo "creating prometheus pvc"
fiif kubectl get deploy prometheus-deployment
echo "prometheus deployment is already created and applying latest changes"
kubectl apply -f /storage/prometheus-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f /storage/prometheus-deployment.yml
echo "creating prometheus deployment"
fiecho "prometheus tasks are ended"echo "grafana tasks are started"if kubectl get svc grafana-svc
echo "grafana-svc is already created and applying latest changes"
kubectl apply -f /storage/grafana-svc.yml
kubectl apply -f /storage/grafana-svc.yml
echo "creating grafana-svc service"
fiif kubectl get pvc grafana-storage-pvc
echo "grafana-storage-pvc is already created and applying latest changes"
kubectl apply -f /storage/grafana-pvc.yml
kubectl apply -f /storage/grafana-pvc.yml
echo "creating grafana-storage-pvc"
fiif kubectl get deploy grafana-deployment
echo "grafana-deployment is already created and applying latest changes"
kubectl apply -f /storage/grafana-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f /storage/grafana-deployment.yml
echo "creating grafana-deployment"
fiecho "grafana tasks are ended"
Now we can access our Prometheus services and Grafana services.
By default, Grafana Dashboard login credentials are:-
username:- admin
password:- admin
Now we can add data sources e.g. Prometheus(T.S.D.B metric DB)
Since Data source is added so now we can create our visual or dashboard in Grafana or else we can use a pre-created dashboard or visuals for monitoring Prometheus data source.
So, now we have created our data persistent in our centralized NFS server(
[root@server ~]# ls /storage/
default-prometheus-storage-pvc-pvc-125fb35e-f5a8-4d58-b2e1-bc445dcbcd12[root@server ~]# ls /storage/default-prometheus-storage-pvc-pvc-125fb35e-f5a8-4d58-b2e1-bc445dcbcd12/
chunks_head lock wal[root@server ~]# ls /storage/default-grafana-storage-pvc-pvc-0ccdd2d9-6008-4947-a895-b7d9d359e475/
grafana.db plugins png
P.S.- Any questions or suggestions are welcome.
All the scripts and configuration files are present at the GitHub repo.